Pressure Cooker Recipes-Main Courses- Cookbook from The Tasty Travelers™

Looking for even more pressure cooking inspiration? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Check out the Pressure Cooker Recipes-Main Courses- Cookbook from The Tasty Travelers™! I’ve put together 52 pressure cooker recipes that have all been made using the Ninja Foodi! All recipes have step-by-step instructions, tips and tricks, and full-color pictures! There are even 3 pages of FAQs to help you master the art of pressure cooking!

Ninja Foodi Ecookbook Bundle
Ninja Foodi Ecookbook Bundle

Ninja Foodi Ecookbook Download

Ninja Foodi Ecookbook Printable
Ninja Foodi Ecookbook Printable


How many recipes are included?

There are 52 recipes in the ebook and the printable version. They are the same 52 recipes in both.

Can I buy an already printed version of the book?

No. The book is only available for download. But, there is a printer-friendly version available. The printer-friendly version includes the 3 pages of FAQs.

What’s the difference between the ebook and the printable book?

The downloadable ebook has 179 full-color pages. Each recipe covers 3 pages. The first page is a large picture of the finished recipe. The second page is the ingredients and instructions and the third page has 3 or 4 tips and tricks, FAQS, and substitutions for that specific recipe. The printable version is one page per recipe. It includes one small picture of the finished recipe, and the ingredients and instructions.

Are all of the recipes in the book on the blog too?

Yes, all of the recipes are from the blog. The Ebook is ad-free and great for folks that just want the recipe!

Are there photos for every recipe?

Yes! There are several COLOR photos for EVERY SINGLE RECIPE in the ebook. The printable version has one small photo for every recipe as to save on ink when printing.

Can I return the Cookbook for any reason?

No. Since the product is digital and available immediately, no refunds can be issued.