We would love to share your recipes on The Tasty Travelers! There are just a few guidelines that all recipes need to follow.
- While we would LOVE to approve all recipe submissions, we may not be able to do so. Reasons for exclusion may include duplication of recipes, copyright infringement, missing information, or no image attached. We may contact you via email for more information, as needed. Recipes may be edited to fit proper formatting.
- By submitting material for publication, you understand that there is no current or future compensation for submitting a recipe to The Tasty Travelers.
- By submitting material for publication, you grant The Tasty Travelers the right to publish your name in the recipe card and recipe post and credit you as the author of the recipe.
- By submitting material for publication, you agree that ALL recipes and details within the recipe must be your own, original creation. The list of ingredients, instructions and details of the recipe cannot be copied from any print or online source. By submitting a recipe, you are agreeing that the recipe and its details are your own and were created by you. The Tasty Travelers is not responsible for copyright violations on your recipe submissions.
- By submitting material for publication, you agree that the recipe and details that you are submitting are not currently and will not in the future be published online or in print. This includes but is not limited to all online and print publications. Posting your recipe in a Facebook post is approved.
- By submitting material for publication, you grant The Tasty Travelers exclusive rights and unrestricted use of the material. We reserve the right to modify, reproduce, republish, and distribute the material in any medium and in any manner. This includes using images in online publications, newsletters, social media posts, ebooks and printed books.
That’s it! Are you ready to submit your recipe??
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